By the time of WWII, the Nazis built the weapons that were far more superior than others so a Union Army was sent to spy on them. Your mission is to destroy the enemy's newly manufactured tanks.
Help Arimose make his way through a gauntlet of traps, monsters, and puzzles to reclaim the stolen treasures of his liege. The reward and journey that awaits you is an adventure you don't want to miss!
Take control over 3 adventurers who seek for the legendary artifact of long lost Holy Hand Grenade. Various random encounters, wide set of weapons, and number of quests will make your journey more complicated than you might expect.
Travel through the land to battle the intruders. Visit cities for missions, trading and to restore your health by sleeping at the inn. Join guilds and find new recruits to join your party of warriors.
Battle other minions you encounter on the world map as you complete quests for mr boss. Upgrade your core character with new spells, health and damage strength.